Thursday, July 30, 2020
Here we go... - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog
Here we go... - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog After an outing to Munich a week ago and Milan this week, I am currently prepared for my greatest worldwide talking visit up until now. Throughout the following 2 months Ill be talking at occasions in Reykjavik, Nashville, Beirut, Hong Kong, Sydney, Prague and Ottawa. Woohoo :) A debt of gratitude is in order for visiting my blog. In case you're new here, you should look at this rundown of my 10 most well known articles. What's more, in the event that you need increasingly extraordinary tips and thoughts you should look at our bulletin about joy at work. It's incredible and it's free :- )Share this:LinkedInFacebookTwitterRedditPinterest Related
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Leadership Competencies How To Interview To Find The Best Candidate
Book Karin & David Today How to Interview For Winning Leadership Competencies Youâre working hard to build a Winning Well culture. Youâve identified your MIT management competencies and are working to cultivate and encourage the best behaviors. How you employees your key management roles matters more now than ever. How will you determine the very best candidates for reinforcing your Winning Well culture? How will you identify the candidates who actually exhibit Winning Well leadership competencies, versus those who just discuss a good game? Be sure youâre asking strategic questions that require candidates to share how theyâve truly demonstrated the leadership competencies youâre deciding on for. Here a number of strategic, behavior-based mostly interview questions primarily based on eight key behaviors we construct in our Winning Well training packages.and keynote speeches. We encourage you to weave a number of of them into your next interview. Tell me a couple of time when you had method too much to doâ"how did you resolve what was most essential? How did you prioritize? What was the result? Describe three ways you work to communicate and reinforce expectations in your team. Tell me about at a time you helped turn round a serious efficiency concern. What was your strategy? What was the result? What metrics do you employ to measure your success in your present position? How do you keep your staff centered on attaining these outcomes? What do you see as the most important behaviors in this new position? How would you go about reinforcing them? Can you tell me a couple of time a supervisor wanted you to give attention to one thing you knew wasnât a priority on your customer, your staff, or the corporate? How did you handle it? What was the end result? Describe the best team you ever worked on. What was your position in making it a success? When you're working on a strategic project in your current job, how do you go about identifying the related stakeholders? How do you get them concerned? Can you inform me about a time you jo ined a brand new group and how you constructed belief with your new teammates? Tell me about a project the place you efficiently delegated some important tasks. How did you resolve what to delegate and to whom? How do you assist your staff recuperate from setbacks? Can you share a time the place one of your group members had a brand new perspective and how you were able to incorporate it into your work? What makes you a rock star in your present role? How would you leverage those strengths in this new position? Tell me a few time you had to make a tough choice with restricted information. What was the state of affairs? How did you method it? What are your favourite strategies for constructing confidence and competence in your staff members? Tell me about a time you had a very robust conversation with an worker. How did you method it? What was the outcome? Describe a call you made that was unpopular and you ways applied it. What was the state of affairs? Who was involved? What did yo u do? What was the outcome? Can you share a time if you significantly disagreed along with your boss and were satisfied you have been proper? How did you handle it? What was the result? Whatâs the largest mistake youâve ever made at work? How did you recuperate? Describe a time a project you had been leading did not prove as you had hoped. What was the scenario? Who was involved? What did you do? What was the result? What is the most difficult apology youâve ever had to make at work? What made it challenging? How did you do it? What instruments and methods do you employ to get feedback out of your group? How would you describe your conflict style? Tell me a few time that you just had a major battle at work where that style served you nicely. Tell me a few time when that fashion got in the way in which. Who are your most important stakeholders in your current position? How do you go about getting suggestions from them? Inc. 9 Interview Questions You Need to Be Asking LinkedIn: Hiring For Trust: 9 Interview Questions Fast Company: 7 Interview Questions for Measuring Emotional Intelligence What are some of your favorite interview questions to make sure you have leaders that are dedicated to Winning Well? Karin Hurt and David Dye help leaders achieve breakthrough results with out dropping their soul. They are keynote leadership speakers, trainers, and the award-profitable authors of Courageous Cultures: How to Build Teams of Micro-Innovators, Problem Solvers, and Customer Advocates (Harper Collins Summer 2020) and Winning Well: A Managerâs Guide to Getting Results Without Losing Your Soul. Karin is a high management consultant and CEO of Letâs Grow Leaders. A former Verizon Wireless executive, she was named to Inc. Magazineâs listing of nice leadership speakers. David Dye is a former govt, elected official, and president of Let's Grow Leaders, their leadership coaching and consulting agency. Post navigation Your email tackle won't be revealed. Required fields are marked * Comment Name * Email * Website This website makes use of Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your remark knowledge is processed. Join the Let's Grow Leaders group for free weekly management insights, instruments, and strategies you should use immediately!
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Simple Changes to Polish Your Resume
Straightforward Changes to Polish Your Resume Straightforward Changes to Polish Your Resume Straightforward Changes to Polish Your ResumeIf you need to make your resume sparkle, yet you don't have a ton of time, there are a couple of changes you can make in only a couple of moments that will give your resume some clean. The group at ResumeSpice offers the accompanying tips:Think about the fontMake sure the text style in your resume is properly estimated and pick a coherent textual style. We lean toward textual styles, for example, Times New Roman or Cambria since they're perfect and simple to-read.Take out the expert summaryYou might just be a meticulous, performing multiple tasks deals proficient with more than 20 years of experience, yet putting that up front on your resume won't get you as far â" and it takes up significant land. Truly â" practically nobody understands it. Or maybe, start with either your training (for late graduates) or experience. That is the place the peruser is looking to focus.ProofreadGiving your resume a once (or twice or threefold) over is so s ignificant. An in any case splendid resume with only a couple of indiscreet grammatical mistakes can blow a meeting opportunity. Truly, some resume screeners and recruiting administrators are that picky.Rename itMake sure you spare your resume with your first name and last name in the filename. You would prefer not to present a record to enrollment specialists with a name like Smith_John_Draft2_Resume_Marketing. It looks messy. A basic John Smith Resume will get the job done, and enrollment specialists will acknowledge it.If your resume needs an absolute redesign and you don't have the foggiest idea where to begin or you're just excessively occupied, call ResumeSpice. We couldn't want anything more than to help!
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Complaint Letter Format Samples
Complaint Letter Format Samples Complaint Letter Format Samples | Easy to Follow Guide5 min read Read ing Time: 4 min utesEach office has a dif fer ent work envi ron ment â" be it the sur round ings, the poli cies or the peo ple. That being said, it is pos si ble to meet the same kind of prob lem at ic peo ple no mat ter where you go. How ev er, there is a way to make things work. Every HR depart ment has a pro ce dure to file a com plaint let ter. The process is fair ly straight for ward but there is only one prob lem â" you donât know how to go about writ ing a com plaint let ter for mat. So here is a guide to help you write a pro fes sion al com plaint let ter: Also, find similar blogs with must-know tips, easy steps, sample phrases, and sentences. Best Apol o gy Let ter For mat, Tips Sam ples | Write a Per fect Apol o gy Good bye Email for Col leagues | Bid Adieu Per fect ly Expe ri ence Let ter For mat, Sam ple Com po nents Job Appli ca tion Let ter â" 4 Min Read for Per fect Appli ca tion Let ter Sick Leave Appli ca tion Let ter: For mat Sam ples Res ig na tion Let ter For mat Sam ples | Sim ple Tips to Quit on a good note How to Write a Complaint Letter: First of all, keep in mind that not all com plaint let ters are about co-work ers. In cus tomer ser vice, let ters of com plaint are received fre quent ly from clients and cus tomers. It could be about the qual i ty of prod uct or ser vice, late deliv ery, poor ser vice, etc. We must see what all needs to assured ly be there in that com plaint let ter. The major aspects of any com plaint let ter are: ·Receiver The let ter must always be addressed to a spe cif ic per son there fore take the effort to find out who it is that the let ters are addressed to. Even more, know not only the post of the per son you are writ ing to but the name as well. Address ing the per son allows it to not be ignored or be read by the wrong per son. ·Clarity The let ter you write must be clear, con cise and not be ambigu ous in any man ner or fash ion because it allows the com plaint not only to be tak en seri ous ly but also to be under stood and act ed upon in the man ner intend ed. ·Expectations A com plaint let ter must clear ly lay out what you wish to be addressed and what actions you want to be tak en. Whether or not they are and whether or not a dif fer ent solu tion is found is not up to you but you must list your expec ta tions clear ly. ·Objectivity Do not write an angry, threat en ing or sar cas tic let ter as it puts the per son read ing it in a defen sive state even though they are not at fault. This also shows that your com plaint may be blind ed by extreme emo tions. Write your let ter objec tive ly to allow the per son it is addressed to, to help you. ·Proof Your com plaint must be backed with rel e vant evi dence. It is thus impor tant that you attach the doc u men ta tion, receipts, and oth er proof with your com plaint let ter. This makes it eas i er for inves ti gat ing per sons to col lab o rate with your claims and makes the process short er for all involved. ·Names The com plaint let ter must name not only you along with your con tact infor ma tion but also name any rel e vant accounts involved, any wit ness es and the respond ing par ties. A com plaint let ter made anony mous ly or against unknown or unver i fi able accounts/ peo ple tends to be extreme ly dif fi cult to prove and thus act on. ·Mailing Always send your com plaint let ter through the offi cial chan nel of a cer ti fied mail and ensure that you take a return receipt. This allows you to prove that your let ter was received and by whom. Now that we know what all comes in a com plaint let ter, let us see the for mat of a com plaint let ter. It is very sim i lar to any oth er for mal let ter writ ten but does have unique aspects too. Click here tofind the most promis ing jobs in the indus try. Complaint Letter Format: Employerâs name Employerâs address includ ing city, zip, state Date in a stan dard for mat Addressee name Com pa ny name Com pa ny address includ ing city, zip, state Sub ject: Salu ta tion (Dear Name) In the first para graph, list your details as well as the details of the per son the com plaint is about. Fol lowed by the sec ond para graph, that lists the rea son for esca la tion and trust in the per son to take action. Final ly, in the third para graph, add con tact details and details of all doc u men ta tion attached Sig na ture and salu ta tion Hereâs Sample of a Complaint Letter: [Your Name] Team leader, XYZ team FES Com pa ny, [Com pa ny Address] [Date] Subject: Complaint against a supervisor Dear WXYZ, I, [your name], Team leader at plant FDS is writ ing this let ter to apprise you of the sit u a tion that has been on-going for the past 3 months with respect to the abuse my team and I have been sub ject ed to by the super vi sor Mr. PKH. As the super vi sor to the whole team and being in a posi tion of author i ty he has been mis us ing his posi tion to make work dif fi cult for my team and I. Any effort to under stand the same with him or dis cuss it ver bal ly or on email is met with abuse and angry state ments fol lowed by threats. Hav ing tried repeat ed ly to address the same with him, and with the lat est abuse lead ing to a team mate of mine putting in his papers, I felt it was need ed that the same be esca lat ed to your lev el in order for this to be dealt with. Fur ther more, con tin ued behav ior as thus from him is like ly to result in even more res ig na tions and a drop in the pro duc tiv i ty of this team. My team and I trust that this mat ter can be solved by you for the best of all con cerned par ties and the com pa ny. You can also con tact me at [con tact num ber] for any fur ther inputs on the same or clar i fi ca tions. Also please find attached with this let ter the emails from Mr. PKH which proves his abu sive as well as abra sive lan guage. Also attached are the writ ten and signed tes ti mo ni als of all my team mem bers of the ver bal abuse suf fered by them along with the date and occa sion of the same. Respect ful ly yours, [Name] Final ly, we hope you can resolve your prob lems with out the need for a com plaint let ter for mat and an insti ga tion if it does come to that, remem ber to fol low up on the let ter. Under stand that the author i ties are neu tral third par ties and thus will not believe your word with out an inves ti ga tion so do not wor ry if one is being held. Search All Cur rent Upcom ingJobs. Click here tofind over 4Lakh+Job Post ings in India. complaint letter formathow to write a complaint lettersample of a complaint letter
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Manufacturing Job Losses
Manufacturing Job Losses For many peoplenot involved in the manufacturing industry, our current ecomomic state is somewhat of a shock.Ive been asked, How canwe suddenly be in a recession?.The following statistics from Statistics Canada will provide a better perspective on where our economy has been heading for the pastnine years. The last time we saw any growth in employment in the manufacturing industry was from 1998 to 2000.2001 to 2004 was a period of stagnation and from 2004 to 2008 job losses reached 322,000!In just four years,one in seven manufacturing jobs disappeared and one in five manufacturing jobs were lost inOntario alone! Statistics Canada further reports, These trends are not unique to Canada manufacturing has been declining in most Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries. The situation in Canada was noticeable for being somewhat delayed, with manufacturing jobs beginning to decline only in 2004, while other countries, notably the United States, had already registered significant job losses for several years. The Canadian Federation of Independent Business has been lobbying at the federal, provincial and local levels of government on behalf of small and medium sized businesses, (SMEs)forover 35 years and provides the following statistics: Small and mid-sized enterprises (SMEs) are essential to Canadian society and its economy. SMEs play a role in shaping local communities, creating new jobs and serving consumers. Collectively, they generate close to half of Canadian GDP, according to a CFIB estimate based on National Accounts data. Small and mid-sized establishments, with fewer than 500 employees, represent 97 per cent of all Canadian businesses and employ 56 per cent of all workers. Prior to our last Federal Election, the CFIB sent a questionaire to each of the party leaders to assess their level of support for entrepreneurs and small business. Despite the significance of SMEs, which account fortheemployment ofsix out of ten Canadians, no response was received fromthe Conservative Partyof Canada. If youhave been have been affected bymanufacturing job losses or are considering acareer transition, call today for a free resume critique.
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